My Tesla Coil Pictures
by Kevin Wilson
Video Of My Tesla Coil
Click here to download a 1 minute video of my Tesla coil producing 4 foot arcs at 450,000 volts.
Pictures Of My Tesla Coil

My first Tesla coil (and me many years ago with more hair). This was the first time running a Tesla coil. I set up in my friends shed, it was 100 degrees outside, and must have been 130 in the metal shed. It started to rain (curse you Florida!) and the roof leaked a little (notice the wet spots on the floor). I estimated a 50% chance of electrocution or explosion. I was able to get 1 inch arcs - it was a start :-)
Summer, 2000

The latest version of my Tesla coil. This Tesla coil runs on 1000 watts and can produce 4 foot arcs at 450,000 volts.

This is my first Tesla coil producing about 2 foot arcs.

Frying a banana. Actually, due to the skin effect the banana is unaffected, except for some burn marks where it sits on the top load. It still tasted pretty good. And they say Tesla coils have no practical applications!

An orange.

The Tesla coil striking a metal chair and illuminating a fluorescent bulb (the bulb isn't connected to anything).

The fluorescent bulb is excited.

Another strike to the chair.

Interesting arcs.

Interesting arcs.

A strike to the primary coil. Luckily, the 450kV didn't harm the primary circuit. I need to add a strike rail.